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Participation in the construction: Real estate strategy

Participation in construction is one of the modern and effective methods in the field of construction, which has been increasingly noticed by investors, land owners and real estate developers. This method, which is based on cooperation and profit and risk sharing, provides new opportunities for real estate development. In this article, while examining the benefits of participation in construction, we will discuss the key points that owners should consider when concluding partnership agreements.

Benefits of participation in construction

  1. Reduced initial capital required: Co-build allows owners to participate in construction projects without the need for a huge investment.
  2. Risk Sharing: Risks associated with construction are shared between contracting parties, which can be particularly attractive to owners.
  3. Using the expertise and experience of contractors: Owners can benefit from the technical knowledge and experience of contractors in the field of construction.
  4. Increasing the value of land: participation in construction projects can increase the value of the owners’ land.
  5. Preventing daily management: Owners do not need to be directly involved in the daily management of the project.

Key points for owners in partnership agreements

  1. Check the credit and track record of the contractor: Make sure that the contractor has a successful track record and proper credit in the construction field.
  2. Agreement on the share of the company: the exact share of each party’s profit and expenses must be clearly determined in the contract.
  3. Determining responsibilities and duties: The duties and responsibilities of each party must be clearly stated in the contract.
  4. Duration of the project: The duration of the project completion and possible penalties in case of delay should be specified.
  5. Contract termination conditions: The conditions that can lead to contract termination should be clear.
  6. Performance Guarantees: Ensure that there are sufficient guarantees from the contractor to complete the project.
  7. Review legal and regulatory issues: Make sure the contract complies with local laws and regulations.
  8. Right to sell and lease: Agreements to sell or lease units should be included in the contract.
  9. Insurance and Safety Issues: Ensure that all safety and insurance aspects of the project are addressed.
  10. Dispute resolution mechanism: Dispute resolution methods should be clear in case of possible problems.

Paying attention to these points can help owners to have an effective and profitable construction partnership agreement, while minimizing the risks associated with such projects.



Agreement on the share of the company in participating in the construction: A vital point in the success of projects

One of the critical and decisive aspects in the success of a construction partnership project is the agreement on the share of the partnership between the parties. This issue refers to the way of dividing the profit and costs of the project between the land owner and the contractor. Accurate and clear determination of the company’s share is not only necessary to avoid future misunderstandings and disputes, but also plays an important role in ensuring the profitability and satisfaction of both parties.

The importance of agreement on the share of the company

  1. Laying the groundwork for transparency: A clear agreement on shareholding from the start lays the groundwork for an honest and transparent working relationship. This helps both parties have realistic expectations of the project.
  2. Preventing financial disputes: Many disputes in collaborative projects arise due to the lack of clarity in the division of profits and costs. A specific agreement on the share of the company prevents such problems from occurring.
  3. Motivation for both parties: When the share of the partnership is determined correctly and fairly, both parties will be more motivated to ensure the success of the project.

How to determine the share of the company

  1. Accurate assessment of costs: before determining the share of the company, the overall costs of the project must be carefully calculated. This includes construction costs, materials, wages and other expenses.
  2. Investigating the value of the land: The value of the owner’s land should be considered as part of the initial investment. This value should be evaluated based on location, size and development potential.
  3. Attention to the real estate market: The state of the real estate market in the project area can have a significant impact on the company’s share. In high-yielding areas, the owner may expect a larger share.
  4. Consulting with experts: Consulting with lawyers and real estate experts can be helpful in determining the fair share of the company.


Agreeing on the company’s share in construction participation is a key point in ensuring the success and profitability of the project for both parties. Accurate and clear determination of this share can prevent many possible problems in the future and help strengthen professional relationships. Ultimately, the goal is for both parties to be satisfied and benefit from the results of the project.

At the housing academy, you can get the most complete sample of the contract of participation in the construction of pdf + word.

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