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چهار ترفند مدیریت زمان برای مشاورین املاک

Four time management tricks for real estate agents

In this article, we would like to describe four time management tricks for real estate consultants. Do you feel like you always struggle with time management as a real estate agent? If you’re one of those consultants who feels like the days are short, you have the power to fix that problem. Learning time management skills can advance you in this career. You just need to learn a few tips and tricks to get past this initial situation. Read on to see how you can implement these time management tricks into your life.


1: Wake up earlier

Have you ever heard someone say, “So-and-so does things by 9 a.m. that no one else does all day!” This can be true for early risers. Start your day with energy by starting early and don’t be late. There may be more hours of your life early in the day, and you get more done in those first few hours than if you waited until the afternoon to start work. This time can be used to respond to customer sites or messages, search Pinterest for “property tour” ideas, or read a book.


یک لیست انجام کار بسازید

Most people can make a to-do list, they just don’t know how to cross things off of it. However, you still need this basic list to know where to start. When you see the list, you can create a schedule or delegate tasks that you might want someone to help you with. See more details about this in #3.


یاد بگیرید وظایف را محول کنید

If you feel like your workload is overwhelming and there’s no way you can get it all done in one day, reducing the number of items on your to-do list right from the start may help. Learning to delegate is usually difficult for people who like to be in control of situations or feel they have to take responsibility for certain tasks. But letting go of the unnecessary and letting someone else take over can be liberating. Things you want to delegate to someone else (such as an assistant or colleague) could include posting ads for an upcoming public viewing, making follow-up calls for new leads, or setting up meetings and appointments. Don’t you have help? You might want to ask around in your sphere of influence to see if anyone is looking for hourly work, someone you know you can trust.

برنامه زمانی بسازید

Some people work well with a schedule. Unless something is written for a certain time in the program, it will not be done. If you are one of these people, take this feature as a strength! Create a schedule for yourself so that you can manage your time effectively. But when you make the plan, remember to be as realistic as possible. People tend to over schedule themselves and think things will take less time. For example, it’s probably not wise to schedule two appointments back-to-back on opposite sides of town in the middle of rush hour! Always give yourself extra time. Who knows, you might just need an extra 10 minutes for a half-day trip to a wark and amusement park to get you going! If you act ahead of schedule, you always feel good. Falling behind schedule often causes people to lose motivation.


Final point

There are only a few steps left to achieve efficiency and effective time management! These time management tricks can help you perfect this skill and allow you to make real progress in your real estate consulting career. Try to implement each of them in your daily life and in big and small projects.

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